
If you have any issues or concerns about any services you receive from a Nominated Representative or Generate you can call us on 0800 855 322, email us at or write to us at:

Generate Investment Management Ltd,

PO Box 91609, Victoria Street West, Auckland.

Generate has an internal complaints process and undertakes to investigate any complaints promptly and fairly. Generate’s customer service team reviews all complaints made and will endeavour to respond as soon as reasonably practicable including recording details in Generate’s complaints register and escalating to compliance, as required. If for any reason we can’t resolve the matter, you can contact our Supervisor (Public Trust) by writing to:

Relationship Manager, Corporate Trustee Services Public Trust 

Level 16 SAP Tower, 151 Queen Street, Auckland, 1140

Private Bag 5902, Wellington, 6140.

If we or the Supervisor are unable to resolve your complaint, you may call our external and independent dispute resolution scheme Financial Services Complaints Limited on 0800 347 257, email or post:

Financial Services Complaints Limited

Level 4 101 Lambton Quay

PO Box 5697 Wellington 6145.

Financial Services Complaints Limited will help investigate or resolve the complaint free of charge. If you have any concerns, issues or complaints about any part of our service please let us know.