We’re thrilled to share that Generate’s funds have been officially recognised as ‘Mindful Funds’ on the Mindful Money website.
Our Focused Growth, Growth and Moderate KiwiSaver Funds and Focused Growth Trust (Managed Fund) have all been awarded the Mindful Fund badge.
“The Mindful Fund badge is a reliable way to identify ethical investment options and get beyond greenwashing and misleading claims. It is an objective standard so investors can have confidence that their money is being managed according to ethical principles.” said Mindful Money’s Founder and CEO, Barry Coates.
“Mindful Funds go well beyond screening investments to avoid harm. Most of them also influence companies towards higher social and environmental standards. And they all allocate funds towards companies that are making a positive impact in New Zealand and internationally. These funds are contributing to an exciting new wave of ethical investing.”
Investing in a way that incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and produces attractive long-term returns is fundamental to how we operate at Generate.
“We believe that companies who proactively manage ESG issues are not only doing the right thing, but are more future-focused and will ultimately deliver better returns for their investors.” said Sam Goldwater, Lead Portfolio Manager and Generate co-founder.
Among other things Generate specifically excludes companies involved in the manufacture of cluster munitions, nuclear explosive devices and tobacco, and undertakes screening procedures to limit its exposure to other areas of concern. This has led to its funds being consistently highly rated on the Mindful Money website.
Generate also promotes impact investing and works actively with its partners for a more sustainable future.
Generate was the first KiwiSaver provider to invest in social housing via a $21m investment into Salvation Army community bonds, which helped build 118 new warm, dry, affordable community houses. And in 2022 Generate made a $13.7 million impact investment into the Te Puna Hapori - Verdi Social Housing Bond. This investment provides the funding for two new social housing projects, which will house 39 families (at least 78 people) living in sub-standard accommodation.
Generate has also chosen to partner with Live Ocean to protect and restore our significant ocean spaces. Live Ocean supports and invests in promising marine science, innovation and marine conservation projects.
“We’re thrilled that Generate’s funds have been recognised as ‘Mindful Funds’ and are available on the Mindful Money website, so Kiwis can easily find a KiwiSaver or Managed Fund that aligns with their values.”
Who is Mindful Money?
Mindful Money is a registered charity organisation that promotes ethical investment. They track and compare KiwiSaver and investment providers in New Zealand based on their high ethical standards and credible verification. mindfulmoney.co.nz