• Personal Details
  • Your Address
  • Your KiwiSaver

Join the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme

With just three steps, it’ll only take a few minutes

Tell us a bit about you

Please ensure the first name matches your ID

Please ensure the last name matches your ID

Mobile number (required)
Confirm your application

About your KiwiSaver

Are you an existing KiwiSaver Member? (required)

Your IRD number is eight or nine digits and you can usually find it on your payslip, on letters from the IRD, on your existing KiwiSaver statement. Alternatively you can visit https://www.ird.govt.nz/tasks/find-my-ird-number, or contact the IRD on 0800 775 247.

Prescribed Investor Rate More about PIR

Stepping Stones: A mix of funds designed to suit you as you progress towards retirement with your investment mix automatically set each year based on your age. The younger you are the more weighting you will have to our growth funds and the older you are the higher the weighting will be to our conservative funds. The benefits of growth when you have more time and the protection of conservative when you may need certainty of the amount you have to withdraw.

If you do not choose an investment strategy your KiwiSaver saving will be allocated to Stepping Stones by default.

Employment Status (required)

Non-KiwiSaver Transfer

Verify my identity

I consent to Generate electronically verifying my identity by passing my information to and checking it with the document issuer, official record holder and authorised third parties.

Select Verification Option

Important note: If we are unable to electronically identify you, we will ask for you to supply verified/certified identification documents.

Guardian one
Guardian two (optional)